
Terms of service

Light couple poseNSFW
Semi furryFull furry
Light ArmorHeavy armor
  • Personal use only (except live2d model). Commercial use, would be 2 times from based price.

  • Fullpayment after the sketch done. For live2d comms, full/halfpayment on the front.

  • Please provide clear reff, and don't hesitate to tell me what precisely you want. Description without clear reffs will got additional cost.

  • The range of work can be done in 7-20 days (I will inform you when the piece supposed to be done).

  • The result will be in the high res JPEG/PNG. Headshot canvas size start from 1500x1500 px

  • All commissions results will be used as online portfolio or next sample commission. Just ask if you want to keep it as private

  • 2 chances max revision (please use it wisely on sketch part)

  • Everything related to video/self branding auto counted as commercial use

Additional cost

Complicated horns or small minion/pets+$10/char
Complicated character details (ex. light/heavy armor, unique accessories, fury)+$10-80/char. Can be +50% from the base price, if there's too much details (ex. ffxiv character armor, clothes, horns, etc)
Adding background/ complicated background+$20-200/char (depend on the details)
Customizing oc from scratch+$100/char
private commission+25% from base price



Two halfbodiesfree
Simple bgfree
Simple backgroundfree
addition character$35/char
Custom frame$30/char
Custom background$40/bg

Simple colored

Bust Up$50/char
Waist Up$60/char
Knee Up$80/char

Full Colored

Headshot $70/char

Bust Up $80/char

Waist up $80/char

Knee Up $100/char

Fullbody $130/char

Animated Bust up $150/char

  • Illustration

  • GIF or/and MP4 files

  • 2 seconds animation

  • Simple eye rigging (blinking/wink)

  • Simple hair rigging

Character Sheet $130/char

Sketch page $130/4 expression

  • More samples on the Gallery >>

Terms of service

  • Which ever harmful behavior will not be tolerated, and your commission will be canceled.

  • If any rule is broken, I hold the full right of declining/canceling your order.


  • I.I Please, write clearly and objectively, providing references that are easy to understand, comprised primarily of images.

  • Please refrain from sending a text only reference;

  • I.II If there is any kind of disrespect or any of the terms is broken by the contractor side, the art order will be canceled.

  • I.III A deadline will be given upon confirmation of the order and it represents a maximum delivery time considering that nothing that harms/slow the process of creation of models happen.

  • In those cases the artist protect it self with an extra 30 days after the deadline. It is also possible that the model can be delivered before the deadline if everything goes without any issues.

  • I.IV I will not accept orders that involve the following:

  • Mecha Armored, NSFW, Copyrighted content

  • I.V I hold the right to use the ordered art for promotion of my services on social medias and livestreams like on Twitter and Twitch.tv.

  • I.V.I NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) is 5% of the total price.

  • I.VII I do not allow any use of selling my models as NFT's.

  • I.VIII I do not allow use my models to do AI art.


  • II.I The payment is made withing paypal, following it's policies and terms;


  • III.I After the order has been accepted and the payment received, a sketch will be produced based on the references sent by the contractor.

  • III.I.I It is extremely recommended that the contractor have the references well organized and as complete as possible. Since alterations will be limited to small changes only.

  • III.II With the sketch complete, it will be sent to the contractor to verify if everything is according with what was ordered.

  • III.II.I If the sketch is according with what the contractor required, the contractor must confirm it with a message and the art will go through the following stages;

  • III.II.II If else, the contractor has the right of the following terms:

  • Will have the right for 2 revisions of the sketch.The revisions only cover small and, in rarer instances, medium changes to the sketch. Sudden changes such as pose alteration, changing to another character, whole character overhaul, will not be accepted, please consider this when choosing your references.The revision does not cover changes in references.

  • III.III After the payment has been confirmed to be received and no more revisions are requested, the completed art is to be delivered on the informed date.


  • IV.I All Copyright over the art will belong to the artist.

  • IV.II The contractor can use the requested art as long as heavy edits are not made over the art and proper credits to the artist.

  • IV.III The contractor has the right to:

  • Use the art for personal use.Print the art for personal use and to hold the right of your character, but not of the art. Use the art for self-promotion if the artist receives the credits properly.

  • IV.III.I The contractor is required to ask the artist beforehand for permission when there is intention on selling the model so that proper guidelines can be issued.

  • IV.IV If there is any violation of copyright in any way, shape or form, the right of use of the art will be revoked.

  • IV.V The following are considered copyright violations:

  • Take credits for the creation of the art.Alter/modify the art without consent of the artist.


  • V.I The artist has the right to cancel the order if there is any breach in the terms in any given moment.

  • V.II The contractor does not have the right to cancel the order or to request refunds to the artist after the payment for the service has been made.

  • V.III In case the payment has not been made yet, the contractor has the right to cancel the order by sending a message requesting the order to be canceled.

  • V.IV If any kind of refund is forced via third party, all the rights over the art will be revoked from the contractor and the artist will retain the right over the art, having the right to sell to other buyers. The offending contractor will no longer be accepted for art commissioning after the incident.

Commercial Comms

PNG Vtuber$300/char
Live2d Model$500/char
Live2d model and Rig$1700/char

PNG Vtuber

  • Commercial rights

  • Payment plan 50% upfront

  • Bonus 3 emotes (Bust up expressions)

  • PNG files and character sheet

  • Additional $100 for character design

  • PayPal/Wise only.

Live 2D Model

  • Commercial rights

  • Payment plan 50% upfront

  • Bonus 3 expressions and character sheet

  • Ready to rig PSD files

  • Additional cost (+300$) if you don't have character design

  • PayPal/Wise only.

Live2d Model and Rig

  • Commercial rights

  • Payment plan 50% upfront

  • Bonus 3 expressions and character sheet

  • Ready to rig PSD files

  • Additional cost (+300$) if you don't have character design

  • PayPal/Wise only.